It is ideal for liquidators and other agent firms who need to directly manage the collection process. It is also ideal for group companies and franchise type organisations which collect debt centrally.
As an AAP you will benefit from
- The ability to place debt collection business on behalf of clients
- An on-line 24/7 central debt collection/management resource
- Print reports, place debt, track accounts
- A no hassle automated debt placement process
- A secure on-line portal login
- The services of trusted debt collection and tracing company which is,
- CSA and FCA authorised and compliant
- Partnered with leading UK and international businesses
- Trusted by enterprise customers and SME's
- Commission from any fees received from business placed with us
You will need to demonstrate agent status before becoming an AAP. To find out more or to register as an AAP request a call-back selecting Agent Partner as the subject or send us an email placing Agent Partner in the subject line.